The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I enjoyed your poem. As I read, memories of each of of your "Do you remember..." flashed into my mind. Made your poem interactive. Good closing. Good job!
I truly enjoyed this. I do remember a lot of those things and they were the best and worst times.

Beautifully written. God Bless
What a gentle path through memories - some deeply buried for various reasons - yet the way you lead me there was no hurt. Well done.
I treasure the memories you have brought to the forefront of my mind. Thank you - I love this.
What a delightful poem, taking us on a journey through life with our precious memories - good and bad. A timely message to round it off too. Well done.

A good flowing poetic reminder of some of those memorable milestones in life.
Like your style of writing and the way your thoughts flow. Thanks!

Colin Swann (Gold Membership)
From your first stanza reminding me of one of my favorite things to do -walking among the brilliantly fallen leaves and kicking them about as I go-through its entirety your lovingly crafted poem was a delightful trip into other noteworthy moments in my life.
I like your warm, inviting and reassuring style - right through to, and including, the challenge at the close.