The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1306 times
Member Comments
This piece is truly awesome. You must have been inspired to write it. Your first and last paragraphs present a contrast and yet you have managed to make similarities. Where the first is one of seduction that brought sin and death to the world. The last brings life and our eternal hope. I like the way you gave us snapshots in between these two paragraphs of God's wrath and forgiveness in the way He deals with His people. You have done a marvellous job with this.
Wow! This is one of the best pieces I've ever read here at FaithWriters. Awesome work.
This blew me away.
Actually on my first read through, I didn't immediately notice the significance of the digits 10 to 1. I got as far as 3,2,1 and then realised I had missed something vital.
Very well done indeed.
I don't know if the judges ever catapult someone from intermediate to MASTERS but if they do this would be the piece that does it! AWESOME writing, incredible creativity - what a count down!!!! Blessings and thanks!
I didn't catch the numbering in there until one of the other comments drew my attention to it.
This was masterful. You show an incredible grasp of Scripture.
I agree with previous comments, this is my favorite by far.
Wow! This is awe-inspiring! Amazing. I agree with all of the above. God Bless you for writing this!
Very creative...very descriptive. With writing like this, you probably will move up the ranks quickly, but it takes three EC's to reach Masters. Keep up the wonderful writing!
This is, indeed, masterful writing. The imagery is beautiful and the message, wonderful. Congratulations on placing in EC.
A very well deserved EC...ingenious and anointed. Enjoy this first of many victories.