The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1419 times
Member Comments
This was very good. I lived in a communist country and although it was not my home (so I was not oppressed)many of the people that I worked with were. It was a tremendous priviledge to see them stand uncompromising. Your musicians made their stand and whether by death or escape they were made the richer for it. Well done.
This is an absolutely fascinating story! What an amazing stand these people took - I wonder if I would have done the same! Your last line is wonderful.
I loved reading this! It vividly and beautifully described an event in history I'd never known about before--in a way that put me right there in the setting and made all the characters come alive.

A wonderful blend of chilling tragedy with ultimate hope and joy. Great use of suspense with the terse lines in which each symphony member "disappears."

I also loved the imagery in this. My favorite phrases: "Kimmi resounding with the fighting spirit of the brass" and "sloshed through swamps." Great job!
This is fascinating, and reflects a bit of history I was not aware of.

I'd also like to read this as a story, rather than as a narrative, if you had more words to play with--so that we could get to know this character better. Really, really interesting!
This was truly interesting. I held my breath in hopes they'd make it to Finland safely!
Thank you all for your comments. If you would like to read more about this episode in 20th century history, here is the link to a multimedia presentation:

What a tragic piece of history you shared in this well-written, fascinating story! Thank you for sharing this!
I read this several days ago and am still thinking of it. Therefore, a comment is in order! I think you did a great job with this. It's historical and engaging, and it definitely taught me about events I had never known of, without being hard to understand. Also, I think the word "Karelian" is really lovely. Great job!
Excellent entry. I was one of the judges for MUSIC, and had you tops in this level. I thought it was and is outstanding. You are very talented with a great "voice". I'll be following your writing. You have a unique style that I enjoy reading. Be encouraged. Keep up the good work. God bless.