The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 500 times
Member Comments
I loved this piece. This is a great example of thinking outside of the box. Comparing people to food is perfect and it really helped drive your message home, and left me chuckling and wondering, I wonder what kind of food people think I am? Making the reader think is always a good thing.

Try not to overuse ellipses. They should be used to show missing words from a quote or to indicate a trailing off in thoughts or dialog. There should only be three dots, and occasionally, if the circumstances are right, three dots and then a period. You also may want to manually put the double spaces between paragraphs in the submission forms. (Sometimes it doesn't show up if you copy and paste, so always check the preview to see how it'll look for the readers before hitting submit.)

I think you did a great job of writing on topic. Your fresh approach made me feel happy, and I noticed my problems that had been nagging at me before I read this, suddenly didn't seem that big of a deal.
I really enjoyed your comparison of people to food. You have plenty of truth and wisdom in your story.

Your approach to the topic is creative. Well done.

Insightful analogy. I had never really thought of comparing people to food, but this approach really works.

Some white space between paragraphs would help with readability.