The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 754 times
Member Comments
You did a wonderful job with this essay. You made many relevant points. For people like me in rural areas who have health problems, the internet has helped me not feel isolated. Like any good toll,however, if it is a used it can be a dangerous tool. Even people like me, need to make sure I still get out as much as possible. Thanks for the reminder. Good job. If you're interested in more feedback, check out the brick throwing thread on the message boards @
Engaging piece with some excellent points. Well thought out and a pleasure to read, with a message we all need to remember. Thanks!
I take this very personally. You described this bag of lazybones perfectly. I may not be able to toss a football, but I should look into splashing in a pool - anything to activate these long disused muscles.

You didn't mention "mentally" in your listing of the ways we are affected by the big easy lifestyles we have embraced so fondly. Your article is excellent and guiltifying . . .
Praise YHWH!
Throw a Brick for CLICK
Congratulations on placing 3 in your level and 32 overall! (The highest rankings can be found on the message boards at )
You nailed it. I have often thought those same things. Congratulations on your third place.