The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Poor Clay. As with many teens, he chose to go his own way and learned to regret it. You portrayed him very well. Good job.
Great modern day prodigal story. Could be a great minifilm for youth clubs.
Very good story. Rebellious teen on his own path. Glad to see he's headed in the right direction at the end. Nicely done.
Very "popular", up-to-date slant on this common theme. Would have felt more "empathy" for the MC if I had seen more of his emotional turmoil, but, I know - Writing Challenges have their WORD limits. :)
Good opening paragraph to grab the reader's attention.
Clay isn't so different from a lot of young people out to conquer the world. You portrayed him nicely.
Kind of a modern-day interpretation of the Prodigal Son--I like it.

I'd have chosen a different name for your protagonist, as there was a famous "Clay" who almost won American Idol, and you might confuse some readers into thinking this is about him.

Yes, a good modern take on the biblical story. I could see Simon and Randy in the words you chose for them to say. Good story.
I thought it wrapped up too quickly - word limit, I know - but other than that you did an excellent job with this entry. Very captivating writing.
This was a fun read, and I won't point out the typos because you already mentioned them in your post. :)

Being a big AI fan, I have two observations. First, I thought this was about Clay Aiken, but realized it wasn't. And second, there was a contestant from last season with a story very much like this--was this story about him? (I don't remember his name.)

Nice job with the topic--I especially like the ending.