The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I really enjoyed this devotional--great use of humor and vivid descriptions of specific frustrations I can relate to--including stubbed toes!

This was good for me to read right now as with a close friend in the hospital I've been recently struggling with those kinds of questions. Thanks for sharing!
Good pov. Life happens. Learn to deal with it. A stubbed toe can sometimes send us over the top. We need to learn to move on.
I really like your voice here--your conversational tone. I felt as if you were talking to me; a nice effect.

The capitalized words were a bit distracting, and not really necessary, as your word choice and your writing style did a great job of suggesting the importance of certain words and phrases. I don't know if I'm saying this right--it's a compliment, believe me--so I'll try again: You're a very good writer, and you don't need to "bop" your readers with the extra emphasis.

One of my favorites on this level.
I enjoyed your approach, the voice of a friend gently chiding and cheering me on. Nice job.
Great job with this one - you shared real wisdom and advice in a light, fun tone.
Wow! What a fantastic lift to my day! First of all, Congratulations for being acknowledged; secondly, thanks for making my day much lighter, brighter and saner. Tears popped out of my eyes as I read your devotional. Thanks Pauly, you're tops! Nobody could have said it better..."Get up, dust yourself off, and Try again!" Great job, my friend!
I liked this. Good job!
Congratulations! This is a truly WONDERFUL piece of writing. In the last 2 years all three of my sons and my husband have lost very close friends, and I have cried out to God along with them. WHY??? I am sure they will be as encouraged and inspired by your message as I have been. I look forward to reading more of your work.