The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 802 times
Member Comments
Your opening paragraph was a snapshot of life.

The body of your article was a panorama of living with knowledge.

Well put together and a good reminder to each of us.
This was an enjoyable read. I've often had the exact same musings on our awesome God's wisdom and care in creating us and the earth.

A couple quick tips: Shorter paragraphs and more white space will invite more readers.

Show how what the main character is seeing is affecting them, through body postures, expressions, breathing, etc. Beholding breathtaking beauty: by eyes widening accompanied by a gasp, etc.

I hope to read much more from you. You definitely have a knack for writing.
You have been truly blessed with your heart so full of our Lord! This is one of my favorite pieces, and I would love to share it with my FB friends. . .

Please "throw a brick" for others to enjoy, comment and support your writing:

Hebrews 10:26-31 KJV
You are blessed with His gift! Congratulations on your well-deserved win!

Love & Hugs in, through and because of Jesus, the Christ,

Judi Hebrews 10:26-31 KJV
This is an interesting piece. God's beauty is all around us. I'm embarrassed to admit that I do at times take it all for granted. Your words will remind me to not do that.

You may want to consider breaking the paragraphs into three or four little ones, especially with a piece this size, long paragraphs may overwhelm the reader. I'd love to have heard more thoughts from the average Joe. By putting it in italics it would stand out more. For example:
He swung his legs over the side of the bed and groggily stood up. Rubbing his back he moaned softly. Man these fifteen hour workdays are doing a number on my sore muscles.
That way you're using internal dialog to show the reader and develop the character.

This is a beautiful devotion. I have had a death phobia my whole life. Your words comforted me. How wonderful it will be to not just go on automatic. Congratulations on well-written piece. I look forward to reading more of your work in the new year.

Over the break, check out Jan's Writing Basics in the forums. She gives excellent advice and has many threads that are helpful for all levels of writers.