The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Your story has such a great message. If we don't teach our kids about God, then most likely they won't know him.

One observation I have is that you might want to vary your words more.

I like your story.
Nice! It's simple and to the point while giving that heart-felt fuzziness inside.
Your title attracted my attention (chocolate always does!), and your charming story kept me reading. Good work!
Title brought me in, and the story kept me here! Nicely done!
Very good! My only problem is the mother's longer paragraph where she explains that Jesus is no longer on the cross--she does an excellent job. There would be no reason for the pastor to come over and intervene. Maybe you should have had her stumbling a bit, getting some of the info wrong...Love your title, and your little boy who is very realistically written.
Great job! I agree with Jan's comments as well. If the mother hadn't been in church for a while, she might be more hesitant or uncertain about how to share with her son, leaving opportunity for the pastor to jump in. Also, since she was crying, it might be nice to see the pastor comforting her as well as focusing on the boy. Overall, your dialogue was great and it was a wonderful reminder about the importance of sharing with children--they're so open.
Nicely done with a great message and an awesome title.
This was a pretty neat story. I could picture Ben asking all of those questions, and Mom not knowing what to say because she had turned her back on the church.

The answers Mom had for Ben might have been better expressed by the pastor, as Jan and Marty said. The pastor would have also been observant of the mother's tears.

This story contains a message to parents who grew up in the church but stopped going, but also to parents who might push their children hard to make them attend only to find them drifting away afterwards.

Good job!

Good job
Nice ... being a Nana of twelve, I've heard innocent, probing questions just like Ben's more than once! Very real story with a good lesson to all young parents -- take your kids to church! Considering some of the other comments, I think a little rework and this would make a nice story -- maybe even a skit! And, can I have a sip of your hot chocolate? :)
A nice story - kids have a way of "getting it" when grown ups don't -very nice :)
Sweet story and a good message that it's never too late to gain spiritual food through fellowship at church.
I love the eagerness of the boy. I wish all children were as eager about Jesus as your character. :)
It's great we serve a risen Lord. This is nicely done, but I wondered why the pastor intervened - seemed she had it right. I agree with earlier comment that if she stumbled it would flow better. You have a good way with words. Overall, nicely done.
I'm left wondering if the ending could be a little stronger...maybe if you return to the idea of the man on the cross, in some way...?

Otherwise, this is very well written and draws the reader in nicely.
Look at you, about 13 comments, all from great proven writers and 90 plus reads, you should be encouraged. I too enjoyed your story, you told it well. I just want to encourage you to take notes on all of these comments and keep working. You have the ability to tell a good story and a heart to do it for the right reason. I look forward to reading more from you. And, oh yes, excellent title. God bless.