The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
A good reminder. No one likes to wait. It sure is easy to take 'short cuts' which don't work. Thanks. Keep writing.
All in God's time...perfect every single time. A timely reminder and powerful message.

God bless~
This short but poignant article carries a truth for all of us.
Keep writing!
Waiting and the unknown are two of the most anxiety provoking experiences.
Thanks for your encouragement. Your message is good for all of us who find ourselves waiting for one thing or the other.
It is especially good for us to watch as God, the potter, works on us, his clay, during trials in our life. He is just wanting to make a vessel fit for his service.

Keep your thoughts flowing.
This is a nice devotion. I like how you started out with an example that is real and one everyone can relate to in one way or another.

Make sure you put Scriptures in quotation marks. Be conscious of your tense. I noticed you switched from past to present, sometimes in the same sentence.

I like how you suggested a prayer idea. I might urge you to go a step further and actually include the prayer in the devotion. You made some great points. I'm a big worrier and needed this reminder right now. I live how God sends me little love notes like this when I need them most.
Powerful truths . . .