The Official Writing Challenge
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I'm so sorry for your pain, but many (including myself) will be inspired by your unwavering faith, and your determination. Thank you for sharing your story with us. May the Lord continue to provide you comfort and hope in His words and promises, and most especially with His love.

My God Bless you~
I loved your opening! I cannot even imagine experiencing what you described and am in awe of what God has been doing in your life! Thank you for writing.

On a Technical note, work on editing and paragraph spacing. Try reading it aloud to help with the editing.
We wonder why we have to endure such pain as God's children. Your story is one reason. God will bless you with the comfort of knowing that others will be moved by your pain to thankfulness and empathy for other people's woes in life. God bless.
When I started reading this, I found it difficult because of the format, incomplete sentences and cut off thoughts. But as I got to the middle and realized the pain the writer was in, and the monumental amount of willpower it must have taken to do what I typically bang out in an hour or less, sometimes with little thought, I was floored.

I cannot think of any piece of writing which could more completely bring home the level of pain you experience than the un-edited, raw way in which you write. By the time I got to the end and saw that is was truly non-fiction, I was wincing with every keystroke, as you must have been.

The courage and determination you displayed in writing this is truly inspiring to me. I cannot say "thank you" enough.
I am so sorry for your pain. I know a little about that as I have a small pesky tumor that touches my sciatic nerve.

Spacing between paragraphs is needed to read more easily. I will leave the punctuation corrections to the more skilled reviewers.

This is poignant and compelling. Keep writing.
Your courage and faith inspires! A beautiful story of bearing up in pain and keeping to trust in the Almighty! (as I can so relate to your story)
I would re-read various times for typos, editing and more paragraphs.
I have at times sent in articles re-reading many times thinking i was good to go and they still get by me! :o
Keep the faith, keep on writing, it is therapeutic!
Wow. What a powerful story!

There are some errors, yes, but it's easy to see where you were going with this. I would suggest that you have someone read your entries over before you submit them, to check for missing words and similar errors. You can have someone edit your piece before you submit it.

As others have said and like I said earlier, you have a powerful testimony here of your ultimate hope. I'd suggest making some changes to this and submitting it to the next testimony book.
"Father, bring healing and peace into the spaces now filled with pain and struggle. And I thank You Lord, for a powerful testimony given under such difficult circumstances. Amen"

There have been several good suggestions about how to improve your writing, and all of them have been good. Probably the one I would like to reinforce is that you get someone to help you proof read; and perhaps read out aloud to you as well. This may help with missing words and broken English.

Please, don't stop writing. Let God speak through you and touch others with your stories.

Thank you for your open-hearted courage in this entry, and I'll join other readers and reviewers in praying that you will know God's touch - either in restoration to full health or in finding this pain as a bridge across to others in pain who don't know God's grace for themselves.
GOD bless and heal you. And keep writing.