The Official Writing Challenge
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The tender heart of an employer is difficult to find; not that they aren't there, but their job requires them to seem aloof (with some companies). "It's just business, nothing personal" right? But often, the employee sees it differently. It is personal, especially for a writer. I wonder, if you wrote this in first person, would it be easier to get into Andrew's head? Put your reader "in the driver's seat"? The emotions attached to this day, the chance to build up another writer, have the ability to connect with so many people who've faced rejection, and maybe help to see the other side of "business". It will edify and encourage. There's a great message here.(Just some thinking at my fingertips.)
I enjoyed this. I smiled at the great description in the opening paragraph. I also liked the message. Many writers will find hope in your words.
This was brilliant! I loved the entire story. I felt a bond with the MC rejection letters! LOL.

So glad that the MC finally was accepted by the "best Christian magazine." God always has a plan - and it is always the best.

Nicely told-God Bless you~
Very interesting story. You did a excellent job moving the story ahead when all the action was internal.
Welcome back to the challenge! I thought this was great. Nice job bringing things around full circle. I loved the ending.
Ah, love this! Did wonder about the sentence about pride never being a problem again--for most of us it's a constant fight. But otherwise I appreciated the message and love the twist. He'd be a great boss.
Beautifully written and spot on topic. You truly have a gift from God.
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. It is right on point with the current times (rejection letters, acceptance, promotion, sharing the Word with others) and conveyed the emotions of the character. I could see myself standing with him watching him read the letters. I could picture him lost in thought thinking about the feelings he had during the memories.

I can't think of anything I would change or another way you could have told this story. I think it is great as it is.

I like the end and the reference to fishing. I thought it was clever.