The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 955 times
Member Comments
Very nice read! Well written and enjoyable! Good job! God bless!
This is a very cool piece of history. One thing I would add for the future, if you ever write a piece like this again: I would put an author's note with something like you put on your comment in your hint:

"True story about the day our world changed significantly, January 10, 1901"

Very nice job on this entry. Perfect title, too.
This is a fascinating story with details that completely enrich it. The story itself is perfect for the topic, and the fact that Mr. Higgins put his trust in God makes this standout! Great work!
Very interesting story, with all its twists and surprises.
I did not know anything about this man, his life or his discovery prior to reading this, so it was nice to become acquainted with him through your work. Interesting read.
Congratulations for placing 11th in level 3!