The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What a heart-wrenching story. I like how you pointed out God whispered something to you and you listened. You listened to your baby as well. Thankfully after time even the doctor listened to you. Mothers know their babies best. Some doctors don't believe this and brush it off as a worried new mother. But a parent's job is to advocate for the child. This article reflects that; job well done.
Great story about a mother's intuition and even better testimony of hearing God's voice. You did a good job bringing the reader into your shoes. I felt so twisted and angry inside as I read this and wanted to jump right in with those Doctors. My heart bleeds for all parents who loose their children but find solace in knowing that they are now cradled within the great Healer's hands.
What a brave mother. I agree with all the other comments!
Good precise writing style.
May God continue to bless you, Ruth
Such a sad story but at the same time I see God's concern in that He whispered to this listening mother. Thanks for sharing this tender story. I did have a question about the title...somehow I failed to connect the title to the story. I'll have to read it again and see where I missed it.
What a tender loving story of a mother and child. I agree that doctors, although highly educated, don't always see what mothers do. Good job and God bless.
Heart-felt--both to writer and reader. Beautifully told story. I felt your pain was real.
Thanks for telling such a powerfully painful story while sharing some important lessons.
im not sure why it is called 69 roses, but it is a beauftiful story- tears to my eyes as I read it.