The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
You touched my heart deeply with compassion and joy. Joy that you have been filled with the peace that God truly is in control, in spite of the tragedy's we all endure. This is encouraging and so refreshingly open. Thank you for sharing.
I always say, "Life is tough, but God is good, all the time." Learning to endure hardness as a good soldier is something we all need to do. God bless you.
Yes, God has a plan for you! Going through rough times should always draw us closer to the Master's side and craft us more and more into the person He wants us to become. Praise the Lord that you have listened and let Him shape your life even in the midst of suffering.

Sharing our struggles and personal challenges with others is a great way to help them grow as well! Sometimes people need our testimony to get through things that they're going through. When they see how God has brought someone else through to the other side, it will give them more strength to believe that He can do that for them.

I agree ... KEEP WRITING! Keep telling your story and God will use you. :)
God will always use us when we humble ourselves and seek His face. Thank you for sharing.Absolutely keep writing. thanks for sharing.
May God Bless you, Ruth
keep sharing your testimony. It never ceases to amaze me how god works in wonders and such a heavenly way.
Written from a tender yielded heart and listening ear!
This is very touching. I empathized with your main character on so many levels. I do believe many Christians have prayed similar prayers. You held my attention from beginning to end. This is a great piece and if based on your life it took courage to write it. Keep writing and don't ever give up!