The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1917 times
Member Comments
This is a perfect teen story and I like the young man's stance on dating. Not "dating" during High School is a new idea among some Christian teens which your story could help to explain.
Great story. If I wasn't married, I'd get a crush on Brian, too. Super!
Love the morals portrayed by very believable characters in this story. I think teens would respond to these characters and be encouraged by their blossoming values. This story is just the beginning; it leaves the reader wanting more, wanting to find out what happens to Jordan. Maybe it's Chapter One of more to come??? Blessings, Cheri
Very good!
At first, as I read this, I found myself saying, "Yeah, right..." However, something magical happened later and I'm not sure how you did it: I suspended my disbelief and went with the story line. That's the mark of a good writer: that they're able to get you to suspend your disbelief. It's a tough job when it's a talking animal, but in a way I think this was more difficult: a handsome, athletic teenage boy with raging hormones who says no to dating! I know it is possible: my daughter held her boyfriend off with no kissing for about eight months, I think it was, and they've been happily married for five years now. He thought she gave up kissing for Lent! I wish we COULD turn around this dating game and make this the trend. Your story gives others that opportunity to at least consider it. Bravo! Well done!
Great perspective, and vivid characterization. Right on target for the intended audience. Enjoyed this!
Oh wow, Brian is every mother's dream guy for her daughter. This is well done. I love the message. Congrats on your placement.
WOW! EC - Congratulations, Debbie, Fantastic story!
Woo hoo! What a wonderful story with a perfect, feel-good ending. I love it. And what a confirmation for you, Deb. This is definitely your genre! Excellent work!
Congrats! Awesome, dear friend.
I really enjoyed this, and read it to my 2 teens. I also believe in rather courting than dating.
Yes, this could be chapter 1 of more to come! :) Well done on EC! Y.
Just wanted to say CONGRATS on the EC win!!! Well deserved! Blessings, Cheri