The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Very facinating style. I like it! Well done.
I love the message at the end - though it was, frankly, a little rough for me to wade through the environmentalist build-up, but that's just the opinion of one reader.
Overall, it was well written - and made its point quite clearly.

God bless,

Wow! This left me with my jaw hanging open! A thought-provoker for sure that could be read several times. I was glad when the "greater river" showed up. :-)
Oh, Suzanne - this tugged at my heart. So wonderfully expressed and such a passionate plea and description! What a portrait you have painted. LOVED this!
Yes, Mother Earth is not being treated too kindly, is she? Loved the originality and creativity of the piece - your writing experimentation is paying off in a huge way, Suz. Good stuff here. Well done!
This is awesome! To take a piece that appears to have one kind of message, and turn it into an impassioned plea for the heart of a nation...just spectacular.
Definately a unique approach to the river topic. It's interesting to think of a river in China and what it has seen - North America has so few stories to tell in comparison.
Very creative take on the topic & well written!
Look at Suz...getting all fancy-schmancy! LOL This is written in such a unique style. Great writing, flow, word choices-the whole package. Excellent as usual. :)
This grabbed an all too often ignored problem and shook it full of invention. We - who are meant to be stewards of the Lords creation - are abusing our position and pillaging this planet. Excellent writing, evocatively and eloquently expressed. God bless. xx
This piece is full of passion and beauty. Wow. Your words carried me along on an incredible journey as if I was actually flowing down this river, intimate with its glories and troubles. Then the hope of Jesus - everything will be made new. Fantastic work!
Suzanne, Congrats on your win! I was a judge this week and was really rooting for this entry. I thought it was absolutely wonderful. It was so great to see a piece of Christian writing which I would consider to be environmentalist. Excellent, excellent job. Passionate, brave writing. I thought about it long after I read it.
Very strong, Suzanne. Congratulations on placing. Great work.
Congratulations on your "Highly Commended" win!

God bless you as you continue to offer your gifts and talents to the Lord in such a wonderful way! Very, very well done!