The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
What an intriguing approach to the topic! Well said! I love the meter you've it slows the rate of reading down to fit the mood so beautifully. Love it all...especially this line, "Searching for the character/That makes our loss His gain". Great!
Very well done, the prosody worked and made the poem flow. Thanks.
This is packed with truth. Great poem.
Another very straight forward and simple poem that is packed full-o truths. Well done!
Nicely done .. .strong word choices and the meter was right on. This really "felt" good which says a bundle! Great job!
Excellent poem. I understand the message, but am sorry hope got a "bad rap". Well done.
Love, love, LOVE the first stanza. A great start to a great poem. There were parts I had to re-read to get the rhythm set in my head, but otherwise this was a great poem! Well done, Al!
I love the story behind this poem, Al. Beautiful work that points us to our one sure hope.
The first and second paragraphs are my fav. Well done!!
So glad you followed the Lord's prompting and slid under the wire at the last minute with this terrific offering. Very nicely done!
Great title - and punch at the end.