The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 478 times
Member Comments
Beautiful story. Could it be true? (Laugh Out loud.) That would be amazing! I enjoyed it, but think it would be even more enjoyable if it was tightened up a bit? It felt a little wordy to me and I couldn't help bt notice the punctuation errors...minor things in light of a King james 1611 Bible as a gift from the Author Himself. Thank you so much. Blessings to you as you write for That Author.
I liked how you felt connected to the "Book seller" like you'd always known him! Great way to tell of the personal relationship you have.
My husband and I go to thrift stores in search of bargains.
I have bought old hymnals and Bibles. I enjoyed your entry and the surprise ending!

Wing His Words
I love it. I felt I was there with the MC looking through the books. Great take on topic.
Great story! Jesus giving the gift of His word - what could be more obvious? I agree with Claudia that some sentences could have been tighter. Try shortening sentences to add variation and punch. And possibly eliminate the word 'I' which occurred sometimes more than once in the same sentence. But overall well written and enjoyable to read. Thank you for sharing.
I agree with your other commenters. Beautiful story. I could almost smell the old books as I read. I, too, love to visit these shops. Nice fit with topic.
I loved this story. I related right away because my parents dealt antiques and I worked at the flea market as a young child and into my late teens. The ending was beautiful. I had tears in my eyes. My only advice might have been to get to that scene a tiny bit quicker, but the ending was perfect. Congratulations on ranking 13 overall. Happy Dance!
That was indeed a surprise ending! You sound like everyone's best friend, with such caring responses and an obvious tender heart. I hope you'll continue to write. We need more stories like yours.