The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you for your boldness and honesty. I agree with you wholeheartedly! This was well-written and flowed nicely to reach the appropriate ending. I too, "chicken out" when faced with witnessing to people I love, but yes, what they believe is basically life or death for them. Good job!
Your message is important. We have to risk the possibility of strained or broken relationships here and not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ, which is the power of God unto salvation...

Eternity is at stake and when it comes to the choice of losing loved ones now or for eternity the choice is obvious.
Pray and proclaim.
Excellent message and truth told here!
Congratulations on your 7th place EC win this week, Kate. It is good to see that you're writing again.

I think there are times we have to stand up and speak out.
Thank you, Kate, for succinctly conveying the crucial nature of the Gospel. It is not about wanting people to be like me, or criticizing them generally as a human being. I know so many nice people who are spiritually lost, and can't grasp that spotless means spotless, and none of us can be that, no matter how "moral" we are. I would not want even my worst enemy to default to Hell, and certainly not those I love!