The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I totally identify :) Congratulations!
I was intrigued by this story. Who would have thunk that there were 39 ways to fold a pair of socks.

Congratulations on your EC win.
I was intrigued by this story. Who would have thunk that there were 39 ways to fold a pair of socks.

Congratulations on your EC win.
Amen. Menial tasks such as sock folding become so much more when we remain in a constant state of prayer.

I admit I was a bit tentative: "Sock folding? Really? Oh, now I see, good piece." Congrats on the EC, and keep them coming!
You wrapped/folded your entry up perfectly. Praying while folding! Nice...
Good job of writing. I've been trying to learn to, "shut my eyes to the seemingly urgent, to concentrate on the truly important." Congratulations on your win!
This is nothing short of brilliant. It's one of the things my hubby and I quibble over. Mom taught me to fold socks together at heel, then flip them in half again (those were knees sock days). When I got married, I discovered my husband was like an Olympic - level champion on losing half of a pair (His daughter also has that trait, along with the messy one.) I 'll claim credit for her improvise gene (not the method though!) where she wears mismatched socks. Turns out she started a world-wide trend!) Oh, but I digress. So I started using your ball method to save orphaned socks. Hubby, who wears wrinkled blue dress shirts with brown pants (also not ironed) suddenly had a thing about balled socks. I guess it stretches the elastic out. Not sure why I shared all of that. It could be because it's 4 am, and I can't sleep, so your humorous story brought out my middle-of-the-night giddiness. In my opinion, that's a sign of a truly gifted author. Your words made me think, even if at first it was just about sock folding; but as I read, I wonder what Jesus would think of my heart's sock drawer. It's a mess lately, and while wearing mismatched socks might be cool to do, having a mixed-up heart is anything but. You inspired me not only to look closer, but to do some cleaning out of my heart, tossing away stretched out single socks that weigh me down, and easily allows Satan to poke at the holes in that sock. Of course, as always, God led me to your article not last week at 3 am, but today when I really needed it. It's a delight to see your story not just in the challenge, but in the well-deserved EC column too. You did almost everything perfectly. You nailed the topic in a fun, interesting way. Your beginning pulled me in and the pacing was perfect. Your message was inspired and made a difference in my heart. Congratulations and Happy, happy dance!
Sock it to me Ellen, though you haven't covered a vital aspect of this issue - unless you find the same number of socks emerging from the washing machine as there were when they were inserted into it. Apart from that, great work.