The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Amen- Well written and well done. It held my attention as I really wanted to know what was going to happen. Blessings.
What a powerful and gripping story. You've told this really well and woven a great message into it. Great writing. Only, extremely minor, red inkable error/typo was "it's" for "its" in "He did not even acknowledge it's presence."
This was intriguing, a bit mysterious and definitely aroused my curiosity to keep reading---and that's what good writing is all about. This held my interest from start to finish and I hope to see this one in the top ratings.
Great suspense and even better ending.
What a wonderful hope we have -
Forgiveness according to His grace, not according to our sin. (Ephesians 1:7 KJV) and His grace is ever so much bigger than our sin.
Mysterious, gripping story. Great beginning and ending, enjoyed very much.
Breathtaking. Mesmerizing. Held my attention throughout.
Riveting, absorbing and enthralling. Well done!!

God bless~
A very riveting and well told tale.

This final courtroom scene is not new and, unfortunately, I knew where it was going far too soon. However, you did put a unique twist on it and made it fresh enough to enjoy the different perspective.

"Amazing grace, how sweet the sound..."
Congratulations Joe!

God Bless~
This gripping scene has the power to send chills down the reader and with an ending that leaves you speechless. Each word and phrase set the tone, beginning with a perfect title. I was completely engaged in your writing. Many congrats on your Editor's Choice.
Joe, this is superb! Intriguing tale packed with truth. Well done. Congratulations and God bless!
Congratulations on your placing Joe - well done.
Very moving and well written story about an event all people will one day face.
Congratulations, Joe, on your 3rd place win. Very deserved!
Congratulations. A well deserved place at the top.
The final line says it all.
My-my-my, how did I miss this powerful piece before? Joe, the simple manner in which you tell the story made this even more poignant and compelling!

This relays the message so clearly, allowing the reader to easily be the MC. Great work with this one—definitely spot-lighting the all-sufficient work of Christ.