The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh boy am I glad I'm not your daughter or even more so not your daughter's boyfriend! This was a hoot and I had a dopey grin on my face the entire time.
I'm going to pass this on to a friend who is going "nuts" over her daughter's current boyfriend.

I smiled all the way through this....creative.

God bless~
Hysterical! Excellent read and very fun, all so funny and true except the fact that not so good advice if the young man just happened to be a great guy and would have been an awesome son-in-law, he broke up with the girl because her father was a crazy stalker! Lolol....great take on the subject!
Oh, this is great. I'm glad my dad is not familiar with social media.... :D
Some people suffer from stress; others are carriers. I sense you may be among the latter.
Have you found two syllables being recently added to your name - from Dad to Da-aa-add - with the middle syllable being uttered in a lower note than the other two? If not, you soon will.
Loved the (hopeful) tongue in cheek tone throughout.
I'm glad you labeled this as 'fiction'... and yet, somehow... Oh well, one can only hope. lol (said out loud)

I really enjoy the way you weave a sense of sincerity into your humor; it pulls the reader in and hooks them into believing the story... but then you go way over the top and blow the sincerity to pieces... I think.

Hey! Hey! Hey Congrats on placing 3rd in the Master's level! Happy Day! This is quite an achievement, and very well deserved.
Forgot the congratulate you on the EC! Wow. Great writing here.
Congratulations - I laughed all the way through this.
Congratulations Joe!

God bless you~
Oh my goodness...such a hoot! This would make a fantastic comedy sketch from beginning to end. Loved it! Congratulations!
Well, Joe, does your daughter still speak to you? This just shows what happens when you let the older generation loose on social media! I loved your cyber-snooping entry which is very deserving of its EC placing. Wonderful humor and very creative in ideas of what (not) to do! Great writing!