The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1050 times
Member Comments
Wow this is fantastic. You captured everything I think or feel about time and you did it in an expert way.
What a beautiful way to describe time! I especially like stanza about time dancing and how you ended it.
This is great! I loved how you personified Time,you made it seem like a living being.

As I read your poem, it dawned on me that Time is, indeed, all of these things. Thanks, I will think of time a little differently now.
Creative and challenging list of definitions. Very absorbing read.
Touching and wonderful read. Thanks. God bless~
I fell in love with your personification in this remarkable poem. Each stanza has such a well-developed concept that makes the reader pause and think, "yeah, that's perfect!" There are so many features, from the internal rhyme in the dancer stanza, then the poignancy of the thief stanza. Your final stanza brings this home. Wow!
I really enjoyed your poem and its similes (or are they metaphors?). You paint some great word pictures of time and its influence and how fleeting it can be. Thanks.
Time is everything you described in your wonderful poem. It is a masterpiece.
Congratulations for ranking 16 overall!
Time seems to be busy, too, especially with all those costume changes : )

Enjoyed this, Verna, and the way you have fleshed out something so ghost-like, yet real. Loren