The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 820 times
Member Comments
There's a couple of great lessons here. The best things in life often come at a painful price. Appreciate the days we're given because they slip away too quickly. A holiday can be found in the most unexpected places ;) There's so much food for thought in this story. Thank you :)
A good reminder for all of us. Sometimes life gets so crazy we almost wish for the decision to stop and rest to be forced upon us as it was for you. Good job expressing this!
This entry packed so much emotions within the word limit, and truly expressed a powerful message. An excellent job with this.

If this is a true story, I pray you are fully recovered, and Praise God that you were able to speak about the accident due to being spared by His grace.

God Bless~
Brilliant job of show rather than tell. The imagery is lush and the application is breathtaking.
I, too, once suffered a broken leg in an auto accident. It was a tragic time for me and my children as it led to the death of my husband. Why God allows these things to happen remains a mystery but of one thing we can be sure - He is there for us, to comfort and to make things better. Well done. God bless you.
Your piece reminded me of something my mother used to say,"Be careful what you pray for." I like how you made the best of a difficult situation, and most of all, I like the peace you experienced about where you might wake up.