The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
How expertly you took me into your storm and showed me how you dealt with it. Thank you for baring your heart & pointing to God’s. A favorite sentence: "I felt like I had played a supporting role in an all star cast of a four star movie." What a great statement to make about a place of employment. Also appreciated the little burst of sunshine amid the showers, in the humor of this sentence: “I finished my day, along with a whole box of tissues and the secret stash of chocolate in my file cabinet.” :-)

(Tiny 'red ink': “They never seemed more appropriate then at that moment.” I think you meant ‘than’, as in comparison?)

Well-written and heart-felt testimony.
Thank you for letting us in on a painful time for you. I loved this: "I discreetly made my way to the ladies room where safely locked inside I slid my back along the door making my way to the cold bare tile." It made a powerful image of your depseration in that moment. Great job!
I think most of us can relate to this whether it has been a job we have been released from, a relationship, or a child has grown up and no longer needs us as they once have. Indeed God is there to comfort, stroke our hearts and remind us that we will make it. Thanks for writing this piece. Well written. Loved the images and display of emotion.