The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Excellent--"Masterful strokes" might also describe your poetry.
Wow. Loved the 'effects' of light and the Light. Very nicely done!
Wow! A clear object lesson in "showing not telling."
Wow -- the progresson of grief. From the dark captivity of pain to the illuminated freedom of a loss accepted. At least that is this reader's interpretation of your poetic language. :o)

Great job! Makes me want to research Monet as well. Keep writing!
Henry, you are a true artist. Sometimes your words actually paint the picture and I have to remind myself I'm reading. Certainly, you command this style of poetry.

If I knew more about Monet's life and work, I'm sure I'd appreciate this poem even more. As it is, I love it, and it was even better the 2nd read. This will stay on my heart. Beautiful
Absolutely love the ending! And how you go from "painting" the grimness of death to the bright joy of life. Superb!
Excellent poem—so clear and direct to the point!
Once again, your poetry takes my breath away. What I like about your poetry is it makes me think. It's impossible to just "scan" your poetry. A reader needs to sink their teeth into it and then there's the "ahh" moment when understanding comes. PLEASE publish that book.