The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1273 times
Member Comments
This tender story left me with a lump in my throat. Your writing brought the scenes to life while your MC learned a lesson in patience.
This is a beautiful story.
This was so beautiful. If only we could all be so loving.
Wow! This story filled my eyes. Your writing reaches the readers' heart. Excellent.
Simple, elegant, touching. We all are a house of cards that need delicate handling and patience. Thank you for a touching story.
What a beautiful touching story. It brought back memories of playing cards with my grandparents. You did a beautiful job showing how important that generation is to us.
What a wise boy to figure out this truth. You grabbed my attention and my emotions - great writing!
Such a tender, touching, true to life story. I spend a lot of time each week with my own father in the nursing home. Oh, that MY 18 year old would understand that Grandpa needs care and attention! Written so well from the heart of a very caring person. Excellent story.
Awesome. I was near tears at the end. What more need I say?
This is a favorite for the beauty of the writing, the heart of the boy, and the lesson presented so clearly.
Just a beautiful, touching story. Thanks muchly!
You folks on the upper floor get tons of comments so I often don't put in my 2 cents. But WOW! This was pitch perfect! I can't wait to find out how this one does, and who the author is.

Tender, compelling, beautiful. I caught myself holding my breath that nothing would spoil the direction I thought the story was taking - and I was not in anyway disappointed. Glad to see your work again.
As someone who recently lost a beloved grandparent and left two others in nursing homes at Christmas, this story touched me so deeply. Lyrical at moments and simply beautifully done.
A very touching read. I love the way the grandchild thought of the deck of cards. What a compassionate and thoughtful way to repsond to an aging grandparent. You brought tears to my eyes on this one.