The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1233 times
Member Comments
Great poem and strong on topic. You wrapped it up wonderfully! Nicely done!
Wise mother, and a delightful poem.
Loved the alteration of the title - which intrigued me to read on. The poem has a wonderful meter to it, all well-flavored with rich textured purpled kinsmen to be finally crowned with a wonderful moral.
Oooh, so sweet and what good advice from the mother. Love your title:)
Great title, great poem, great advice! I see why you are in Masters. Very well done! Laura
You have such an amazing almost inspired sense of meter -- the lines flow so effortlessly and those simply perfect words choices you make - you are truly a gifted writer of verse
Every time I read one of your poems, I know I am going to be entertained and often inspired. This one did both. I enjoyed it very much.
There's a lot of hues of purple, aren't there? Great poem and great lesson!
This is precious. I love how you set the stage for the impact of the point at the end. Very well done!! You have an amazing talent.
I'm always amazed by your poetry, and this was both lovely and meaningful. Well done!
A fun read about that truly royal color. I would have the same problem if I had to choose just one shade for a dress.