The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This rings so typical of a preschooler's start of day. Your title drew me in--tried to find "abecedarian" in the dictionary, but no luck. Now I'm really curious.
This is AWESOME! Masterful poetry, and when you add the alphabet acrostic to it--an amazing feat! Love it to pieces.
I didn't see the acrostic until the final verse (Stupid me!) Cleverly done and to all accounts a marvellous day.
This was fun and very creative. Loved it!
Uber clever...
What a fun poem that is stuffed full of the essence of children (especially the boy kind, lol).
Excellent piece.
Loved this witty and creative poem. Very well done.
You couldn't have described most children in this age group any better! I love, love, LOVE that each line is alphabetical. So creative!
Rhymes with vegetarian? Yes, I guess it does, especially from a mind and heart of someone who can put to verse a perfectly zany day from A to Z. This is so, so creative and fun - a delight to read and muse about how on earth it was ever done so well.
This is great! Just great! I found myself skipping rope in my mind as I read it. For you to use an acrostic to bring it all together is like unexpected but welcome icing on the cake. Truly, this is GOOD! I kid you not!
Such a fun "childhood" piece and you even got the X-Ray at Urgent Care in there! Amazing. It did read very smoothly, indeed.