The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1665 times
Member Comments
Great analogy and a creative way to present "hot and cold."
And to think... I once thought this was a child's game! Great depth to this. Extremely well written.
Well-crafted and imaginative interpretation of the topic. A good read.
Congratulations on your EC. I didn't realize this game could be so stressful. :)
Why did I just know that chocolate had to play a part in this : )
Congratulations on your EC Placement - Loren
A very fun and creative take on the topic, with a serious message at its core. Well done--congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 2ND PLACE EC!! :D WAY TO GO!!! This was a very clever, creative piece!
I wondered what she was hunting for--burst out laughing when I read "box of chocolates". Ahh, yes! Too funny. Good analogy. Congrats on EC.
Lynda, this was a great story! What a wonderful way to let the mc's mind wander to Him and get some doubly rich advice. Congratulations on such a terrific placement!
Very creative!
I like the spiritual thoughts "in between the line".
Well done!
Wow, fantastic and suspenseful descriptions of a simple game. What kind of friends would make her work so hard for chocolate???? Hee hee. Great entry Lynda!!
Congratulations! You really had me going from beginning to end. Very fun and creative.
Wow! I am so impressed. You nailed the topic hook, line, and sinker! Extremely well done and congratulations on the win!
When I started reading, I didn't know where the story was going. When I read further, I found myself walking with the MC. Thank you for your fun article.
Congrats on your win with this one. Loved the way your MC's spiritual walk tied into this game--great lesson tucked into this very entertaining story.