The Official Writing Challenge
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As we spend a few months back in the UK, I can certainly resonate with the sentiments expressed here. But the good news is that it's not all doom and gloom in the rest of the world. The church in the northern hemisphere may be becoming atrophied in some parts but in many cases the church in the southern hemisphere is exploding as never before. That's not to say that everyone is experiencing revival, but there's a definite turning away from sin and darkness and a glorious embracing of the light. Indeed come, Lord Jesus.
I absolutely agree with this. No critique I can think of. Excellent points made with excellent examples. So sad.
This is truly a sad commentary on the world we live in. The paragraph about putting Jesus away with the Christmas ornaments was particularly effective.
I can't think of a word to add. You've pretty much hit the nail on the head. Yes, Lord Jesus, come quickly.
On my computer, something happened with odd symbols on this entry. Still, reading past that, I hurt for those who have this kind of Christmas. You brought out that emotion very well.

Thankfully, it's not like this everywhere. While I see some of what you have described, I am blessed with many around me who truly celebrate the true meaning of Christmas.

Even so, Lord Jesus, come. Amen!
AMEN! I can not critique. The message is loud and clear.
Thank you for this thoughtful nonfiction piece. You are quite right, and I agree - no critique needed! I pray that God will awaken His Church!
Ouch. Thank you.

I had the strange symbols too...
I love your imagery here, "But it seems that each year, more and more bulbs have burnt out, and His light into the world grows dimmer." This is true for unbelievers in today's world...there is no code of conduct left in our society, only relativism and pluralism. But thanks be to God, in such a dark world, the Christian's light burns all the brighter. That's You. You are obviously different, Catrina...that's why you notice; that's why you care.
I too have noticed such trends, where people are more interested in what they get rather than in the act of giving. And as our society continues to reject Jesus and focus on anything but Him, I too lately have been saying 'Maranatha, come quickly, Lord Jesus.' (ps, you can probably stop such formatting things happening if you paste the Bible verses into Notebook first, and then from there into your doc.)
Good job, Catrina! A very sobering devotional.
Wow. This is powerful. Excellent point.