The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1459 times
Member Comments
Wow. This is very well written. I love how you give glimpses into both the powers of darkness, and of light. My heart breaks for this couple, and soars for this little boy. I'd love to read more, about how God helped the parents to see the truth.
This gave me goose-bumps. You have talent. Great job!
Wow, is right! Fantactic story. Masterful writing. Wonderful conclusion.
I can just picture this all unfolding. What an amazing take on the topic. Very well done!
Incredible and giving us hope as we are reminded about "thinga unseen" and that our Lord IS in control - powerfully written.
I am amazed. Beautiful, beautiful work! Thank you, Jesus.
I especially like the part where the child is on the Father's lap. Awesome writing.
Wonderful! I"m trying to think of another word, but I just keep coming back to...wonderful!
Marvelous POV switches that make the reader think. Wonderful storytelling.
This is masterful writing that brings the reader straight into the presence of our Almighty God.
Excellent and unique perspective! I often wonder the extent of activity in the spiritual world that we never realize. Praise God that in Christ we are on the winning side!
Hey, thank you for this perspective on death and the spiritual implications.

Good writing. I read the story and am wrapped up in it, not mechanics or super big words... just the very important meaning.
I want to know more!!! Great job - just the right amount of dialogue and interactions....excellent writing.
This was AMAZING. Loved it!
Wow! I hope this wins an EC, because it is fantastic! You had me on the edge of my seat as Satan enacted his evil plan, and I was cheering when the scene changed and God stepped in! Wow! Top notch writing here! Loved it!
Beautiful! Both heart rending at the loss the parents felt, yet comforting to see the little one in Jesus' arms. Yet also a good reminder that the spiritual realm is vast and beyond our and the enemy's comprehension.
Indeed, this is worth reading again...and again; masterful writing is like that.
This is such a beautiful story. You really showed the difference between Holy and Evil. I can see why it's one of your favorites.
Interesting veiw point--very creative!