The Official Writing Challenge
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I remember some of those painful, awkward adolescent years. This brought back some not-so-fond memories. My only query: Do fiends read? Good story.
If this is who I think it is ... and they are complaining about their one and only 'omission mistake' then I'd just have to say ... this story is too good to care!

It's such good work - who cares! And, I loved the story - I can so relate. ;)
I SO felt for this little girl. Great story.
Wonderful story! Yes, I was one of those brownies:) Loved how you put us in the moment!
I'm so glad elementary school is far behind. Your story is descriptive and I was enticed to keep reading quickly to find out what happened to this very relatable little girl. Your use of words like boondocks and flumoxed made me smile. Great story!
Your descriptions present a delightful little girl, determined early on to make her way in the world her way. I love the self-deprecatory comments she made, as well as the wonderful woman she became!
As with everything you write, I couldn't stop til I read the last word. It's such a great story, Dee, and told with such skill. You are a master of detail and description, no kidding, my friend. Kudos!
Ouch.. this brought back painful memories of school. Well written and realistic indeed! For me it was 4-H and horses!
Oh, the trials of being a kid! It's a good thing we only have to do it once...although, I think moms relive the joys and pains of it all over again through their children. Thank you for this.
I was also a reading fiend, still am. So is my granddaughter, sigh.

Good story, I could relate with way too much of it.
Wow, you just wrote my life as well. Ahh, the painful memories of those times, but the relief to have learned things from them. Thanks for this well-written piece.
Poor little girl; I could relate to her in many ways. You've captured the very essence of childhood where you don't fit in. Great entry Dee.
I know this little girl. She is me, only I was a Blue Bird instead of a Brownie.
This was very well done, and I LOVE the last line.
Your writing is very purposeful in form and message. I love this line:
On the auspicious night of the Flying Up ceremony, my knobby knees were knocking like a bad engine.
What a description! Well done.
Very endearing and personal to many of us. Excellent writing. :)
Sounds so much like me growing up! I think that we can all relate to this story.
I liked the ugh!Great writing Dee. Well done and God Bless.