The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This a absolutely wonderful—a modern day Red Riding Hood and a cool granny (I like the wolf, too—a personage of character!). Excellent.
This is too funny. (I was glad I hadn't taken a drink of water--my computer would be wet.)

Who knew wolves liked to play Sudoku and Boggle--two of my very favorite games?

Excellent take on the topic. So much fun to read.
Loved it
Betcha I know whose this is (and if I'm wrong, who this person is trying to imitate LOL). Delightfully fun and imaginative. Love these kinds of stories.
My favorite so far this week. It explains SO much about that fairy tale that, as a child, I was always curious about... like talking animals? Now it makes sense. You have completed my childhood. I am now mature.
Oh, too too funny! I wondered how in the world anyone could do a creative take on this subject and you did! Woohoo!
Jan, Jan, Jan...oh my! I was laughing out loud. What an absolutely delightful HOOT! Wish you lived next door to me; you've GOT to be the MOST fun person to have a coffee break with...great story! You made my day with this one. (See me smilin'?)
You never cease to amaze me...what a riot! I loved the completely creative, funny take on a topic that most (including me) went all sentimental on. Loved it!
Priceless! This is just TOO much fun. I have one teeny thing to mention, although I'm sure it's just a "me" thing. The name Alvin made me think of chipmunks, which led me off in a whole other direction. Now that I've got my nit picking out of the way, I want you to know how much I LOVED this. Excellent work.
Absolutely hilarious. I don't know how you do it week after week.
I can always count on your imagination to make me smile. This is so clever and just plain fun. As always.
You are the master of retelling fairy tales. This is GREAT!
This really is a most amusing twist on an old story. Who would have thought that the wolf was all part of an elaborate hoax.
Exactly what we have come to expect from the master story teller. Well done is hardly adequate. Brilliant is closer.
Loved every bit of this Jan!
Hysterical. I was sad when this ended because it was so much fun. I love Grandma's sassy attitude--hates being called "nana". For some reason "Boggle" and "Pringles" in the same sentence made me laugh out loud. Crazy fun.
Now this is the kind of spunk I want to have when I am a gramma. Laugh out loud funny and brilliant.
I giggled at every delightful detail, and there are probably a few I missed...better read it again. Wow!
I was a bit leery when your MC allowed the wolf entrance to her cottage. :) -- and then it dawned on me where you were going with this. I enjoyed your playful touch with the Boggle and the Pringles. Super fun! I love it!
This is absolutely delightful, start to finish, one of my favorites ever here, as well as my favorite of your fairy tale adventures. Your imagination and ability to presnt it are unparalleled.
I love your creativity, Jan! This was very fun...
ROFL! So hilarious-this was just the thing I needed to laugh this morning! I loved the touch with "I hate being called Nana" that made it more real for me, I especially like how you made red-riding hood-oops, er, the granddauther, so incredibly dense. I feel as if I know her...wonder why. ^_^ Great writing! ^_^
Typical of the superb writing you always present to the challenge, this was a great read. Where does one go beyond Master's??? Kudos. Big time.
What a hoot! I want to live in that kind of world, come to think of it, I already do. Welcome to the neighborhood! : )
I loved it, I will have to go back and look up the others you've done.
This was a fun read and a very unique take on this week's subject. Loved it!
Jan, you have to write a book of "fractured fairy tales". This is priceless. Loved it.
I agree with Seema about a book, it would make great gifts for special people, like you. Please consider this as a very possible possibility.
I agree with Seema. I would definitely buy a copy of your "Fractured Fairy Tales" anthology. I hope that you would autograph it for me. :)

I love how the grandma thinks her granddaughter is an airhead, and how she sat and played Boggle and ate Pringles with the wolf. This reminded me a bit of a movie I watched called "Hoodwinked." I love modern day spoof stories like this.

Congratulations on your EC, Jan. I love the way you recreate quirky fairytale characters.
Ha! And you thought your "fractured tales" were getting stale! Way to go, Jan. Your placing is so nice to see - Loren
Loved it! I was laughing out loud. Come and visit - tell me some fireside tales!
You totally inspire me Jan.. every entry is perfect and so incredibly creative. I have learned so much from you.
Hee hee, very creative!