The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Phirst of all, this is delightphul - this must have been phun to write - at least the end part :)It did give me a touch of a headache (all those "misspellings" LOL), but I loved it. I'm thinking you'll score QUITE high on creativity ;)
Very clever, but oh, what a headache I have. Never knew incorrect spelling could be so painphul-I mean-painful. There's a good story in this entry, and I loved it. The title is such a good clue, but I missed it until I looked at it again!
Intriguing. Oh how I searched for even one overlooked f!
Actually I agree with the others that reading through your piece does cause the head to ache. I suspect that even half as many pH words would have exhibited the same creative style without any of the side effects. A question of balance?