The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I loved this wonderful narrative poem. I could so feel with Mama.
Hurray for grandma! That's how I want to be. Thanks for reminding me of my special status: that of the unembarrassed. We grandmas have seen everything! Thanks for the delightfully fun poem!
Oh boy! Just when Mama needs her children to be at their best, they give her quite a surprise! A wonderfully, humorous poem.
Great fun and so well done!
could see that one coming a mile away! Great poem. Granny came across as a really loving lady prepared to see beyond the mud.
Delightful and fun - great word choice in so many places here.
That's why God made Grandmas. They don't worry so much about things like a little mud. Very cute and wonderful rhyme and rhythm from a true master poet.
The cadence and word choices were perfect...showing not only a great talent but a loving heart as well.
Oh, how delightful! It could have come straight out of about every reader's childhood (and parenthood!) I would say. Such a sweet trip into a loving grandma's arms! Really well done!
I loved this also. I am a new grandma and it is true that we see things in such a different perspective. Each stage goes by so quickly that we know we have to discover and relish the joys of each one. If only I knew then what I know now and I swore I would not be so trite as to ever say that.. but it is true.. THANKS for the story.. made my I go off to help with triplet newborns!
This is great. I am sad to say I am like the mom in this story and my kids are just like the ones in the story. My son often does "experiments" in his bathroom with mud, sticks, rocks, glitter, magic markers, etc. I often discover his creations 5 minutes before company arrives. Yikes. Great story!
Great rural flavor in this narrative poem--I wish I could do this.
Cute is the word that comes to mind! I liked the story and especially the title that hints of a neat story to come. Good job.
Great rhymes and descriptions, I was smiling all they way through.
This tells a lot about grannies. Yes, they are the best. Fun read.
I really like this... what a great way to share this story via a poem. :)
Good fun (horrific story!)
I'd have left it with the children embracing the Grandmother and the mother's face, but that's just me. Now excuse me, I have to go and wipe some mud marks away...!
Very entertaining, and a great home-spun feel as well. Good work.
Too fun! I love a good poem and this one definitely hit the mark. The ONLY thing I would consider changing is granny's reaction. I might end it with granny's face lit up and she broke out in a grin...and then something about her racing them to the mud and jumping in. That would have been the perfect ending, in my book. Then the mother would have something else to be embarrassed about. But personally, I think granny jumping in the mud would be a hoot!
Great job on the poem. A very fun and entertaining read.
Now that was a fun read. I could almost feel the mud between my toes. Now if you will excuse me, I need to go wash my feet.

Thanks for sharing this.
Elizabeth--this is so cute and so typical of childhood innocence. You have some wonderful rhyming lines (muddy tracks/artifacts, opened wide/horrified, ever seen/hygiene). I totally enjoyed the trip back to childhood and felt the embarrassment of the poor mother who worked so hard to clean the house. :)
Was re-reading some past artilces and just realized I haven't seen any submissions from you lately. Hope you are continuing to write, I really enjoy your work.

Safe journey - Loren