The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Oh my, you captured the embarrassing and awkward moment perfectly--I think I was turning red. Out of the mouths of babes--great age-old message we all need to hear.
This was really good! I liked how Kathy used her mortification as a reason to change her habits. I also thought it was good writing in how you had Adrian trotting in at the end with his SS lesson. It packs a visual whallop and leaves the image of a mousetrap over our tongues for the reader to take away. Great writing!
Out of the mouths of babes! It's amazing how much we can learn by listening yo our little ones. I particularly related to the lesson of if Adrian heard then God certainly heard it.
Absolutely perfect! I love how you discribed the "liquid" silence and how Kathy tried to "drain" the tension from the moment.

Love the quote from James and Adrian's discription of her Sunday School lesson. How awesome that God often using children to teach us important lessons! I admire Kathy's "cleansing" herself from her sin of gossip through Scripture and prayer.

Thumbs up! (I'll be back on Thursday to congratulate you on a win of some sort. ;) )
I enjoyed this story, and the lesson it told. I could feel your poor MC's embarrassment. I'm glad she learned something from it, though. I did think Adrian was a boy at first, but I soon got it straightened out. :) Good job!
Well done, for sure. Reminds me to be more careful about jumping to conclusions and seeking to see people as Jesus does.
You put me right in the grocery store with the MC, feeling her embarrassment and shame as though it were my own. What a wonderful way to convey a message!
I really love this. I remember hearing grown-ups talking about things and wondering why they didn't go by the rules they taught me about what is and isn't polite to say. Excellent, girl.
Entertaining and profound, all at the same time! Loved it.
You captured that akward moment beautifully. Great message here without preaching it one bit.
And the truth will out. I felt Kathy's embarrassment like it was my own and I really like the way you showed how the Lord can work to change a heart. Very well written.