The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
This is an intense story. It held my attention from beginning to end. It was a tough topic but you did really well with it.
WOW! This is a painful story.

Would love to see this continued.

Great job!
You did a great job of showing that a judging attitude can be completely wrong. What a challenge to really get to know the people that we judge before we write them off. I'm glad that your MC had the courage to confront the misconception. I hope she does break away from the life that she's living.
I'm glad you took this a bit further than simply: "don't judge a gook by its cover". By the way you wrote, I could feel your MC's disillusionment and hope singularly in her heart. As opposite as those two feelings are, they are, at the same time, part of each of our own's makeup. In some it is more pronounced, as you've shown here. It makes one wonder what the right response might be for the one handing out the tract. Possibly commit totally to what you hope for, leaving the rest behind. Nicely done!
You are a strong writer! Your story is a realistic example of how others are judged from the outside. Really tugs at the emotions. I liked reading it very much.
Oooh, I have goosebumps!! What a powerful story! So well written, and the dialog sound natural. Love your MC; she has real depth. Great job!
Congratulations on your EC!
Smiling from ear-to-ear, Angela. Loved this and reading it the second time brings even more depth to your words. Congratulations, this is so well-deserved.
Congratulations for placing 8th in your level and for your EC!
A very sad story, yet so real. This is why I am supportive of ministry outreach to the helpless victims of the streets. Excellent work and congratulations on getting EC!
Angela! You stepped up and brought it on this one. Congrats on your EC win, it is well deserved. Gripping story.
Amazingly compelling! Well-written. Compassionate and honest. You did a wonderful job with this piece, Angel. I am so glad it will be published where many will read it and examine their own hearts. It is so easy to judge what we don't know, to make assumptions without getting to the heart of the matter. If more of us would take the time to go beneath the surface of an individual, hearts could be healed and lives transformed by the touch of Christ. Great work! Blessings, Cheri