The Official Writing Challenge
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Kudos for showing how this wonderful president's writing was influenced by the people and events in his life. The title is revealed to be true by the detail in this superb poem for the character of Abe Lincoln.
"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Martin Luther King Jr.
Not being American, I know little of American history, but I do know that the measure of this greatest President stood the times of challente and controversy...What a wonderful tribute to President Lincoln...And as always, supberb poetry...It took a lot of mental exercise to create such a masterpiece. I hope it rates high in the judging. It should...God's blessings...Helen
This is so beautiful in message as well as phrasing and words! I love the ballad feel of this! Excellent!
What a wonderful tribute to a great man of values and morals--a memorable president indeed.
I really enjoyed this article. One of my favorite presidents is Abraham Lincoln, so this was a real treat for me. The style was superb. A very fun read!