The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1402 times
Member Comments
This story touched me as I ponder how many of us judge others with never knowing their hearts. My heart melted when Mack told his story. This gets two thumbs up from me.
You pulled me right into the courtroom! I was however confused by the was my understanding from past board discussions that they were for thoughts, not dialog...but the dialog was really good.
Very clever and heart warming. I tried to think of something with a meter reader but couldn't. Wish I had your talent.
Great plot, enjoyed the characters. Good message, too!
Well written and engaging with a great ending. Small note: I had trouble with the italics also.
I never thought of a meter reader! Brilliant. Loved your story and it's ending.
Would love to see what Heath's boss thought about the story!
This is what is meant my "out of the box" creativity. I loved your story... and Mack Brown and the lady who taught him about Jesus.
I enjoyed this story--especially the ending. Gives us a little hope in mankind. Nicely done.
Wonderful story with a terrific heartwarming ending. Very creative take on the topic.
My heart hurt to hear the people so heartlessly dragging his parents' past into the trial.

Interesting take on the topic, loved the twist of innocence!
Great characters. I liked everything about this one... even the italics. Well, maybe not the italics.
Great twist Mona. Bernie "Madoff" with millions; Mack Brown made off with greater respect from everybody. Loved the small-town feel.
I was drawn in and had no idea where the story was headed. I LOVED the ending. Your creativity for "The Reader" topic is superb!
I really liked this. Thank you for making me smile today.
This is absolutely delightful and such a clever twist on the topic
Wonderful take on the topic! If this doesn't do well I'll be surprised. Loved the whole voice of the entry. It was just plain good.
An interesting read nicely written! I like the plot and the sense of humor in your story, closing it with Heath Harris winning a Pulitzer. LoL (",)
Congratulations in placing in the top 40 over-all. Good job!
This was a clever tale with a apt punchline and you've certainly had plenty of feedback. I suspect that where you slipped a little was in your use of the topic word, Reader. On the message boards Deb defined this as a reader of literature and it may be that the judges applied this rather strictly. But, hey, you squeezed into the top 40 which is good going.