The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I love quilting and learned it from my grandmother. Hopefully, you can teach your grandchild. I enjoyed your writing and could empathize with the happenings you went through.
Good piece!
I also liked the ending, after all next to Jesus who else would have perfect love- a grandma of course. It was well written and I could see the quilt in my mind's eyes. You were right , it is perfect.
So nice. My grandmother made so many quilts in her 101 yrs. I've never attempted one...maybe I should. Love this story.
Perseverance indeed! Even though I don't quilt, I can sure identify with your MC. She did, however, display a lot more patience than I and her humility was a teaching lesson in and of itself.
Your MC's frustration at her first attempt at quilting pulled a heartfelt groan of sympathy from me. The "clunk" and the bent needle were a great audio-visual to remind me why I have unused cutting mats, templates and a pile of fat quarters languishing in a box under my bed. A very Grrr-worthy entry.
A heart-warming story, perfect for my Grandma-heart. :)
If my grandma was still alive, I would call her right now and read this wonderful story to her. She was a remarkable quilter. This was a lovely story with a great last line.
Oh, hilarious! Loved it, from beginning to end! And as someone who can barely sew on a button, I could really relate to it. You know, if I start right now, I MIGHT be able to make a quilt for my first grandchild!! (Note: My only child just turned seven...:)
I admire the MC's persistence in following through what 'seamed' like a good idea before all the challenges hit. Good flow despite the delays. Thank you for this, for it was amusing - without having me in stitches!
"As you sew, so shall you rip". Hilarious line. I was eating while reading this. Thank goodness the chilli did not go the wrong way.