The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
I can definitely relate -- I have been there! Loved your attitude as much as the writing!
Thank you for standing up for all of us mother's! You are to be commended! So hilarious and so very true. Well, well done!!!
Funny story. I liked the MC's voice and sense of humor.
What a fresh, real voice! I feel like I'm friends with your MC. Great writing!
First let me congratulate on the word, "ginormous".

I really, really loved this piece. I am still smiling.

Whoever you are, you need to be writing for sitcoms.

Keep it up.

My, this was good!
The humour was great! I have been there in the search for the perfect swimsuit.
Just blow-me-away clever and hilarious!
I can easily see this published in a top woman's magazine.
FANTASTIC. Thank you for the HUGE smile. You are soooo talented!!
It is always fascinating to see how a woman's mind works. Is it any wonder men love them and get a chuckle when they get a glimpse of their thought process. Great writing!
Thank you for this light 'summery' of feminine thinking, which we males rarely grasp - let alone anticipate.
Just a terrific piece. I laughed aloud when I silently read "momentarily solvent" instead of "monetarily solvent" because both are usually true. The man who invented the 3-mirror approach in the dressing room must be the most despised man in the world today. Why can't they use those slimming mirrors we all love at the circus?? This was a great read and now I'm really envious!!! You're just too good!!!(grin)
A sheer delight to read with some superb word play. Being equatorially enhanced myself I can relate to the dilemma (y chromosome notwithstanding). Spandex is a privilege I relinquished long ago and it's great to laugh alongside someone else who sees the ridiculous side to life.
Hilarious! (I think I'll leave it at that!)
ROFL!!! This was simply hilarious, I was giggling all the way through and I was SO glad that she did find something to wear afterall, that fit everything on her list. Lovely job! Kudos to you on an excellent piece, my favorite for the week!
I liked how you met the problem head on with a Cinnabon. LOL
Oh yeah. This was top notch! Congratulations!! And might I add that the comments added to the giggles... especially the men. ROFL
This is the style of writing I find myself gravitating to...just a pleasure to read. I love this piece. sometimes, we just have to look at life through humor! Congrats!
Hearty congratulations on FIRST place. From the line "By now I am ready to push them" I knew this was going to be a from-the-heart piece of writing. Superb genuine voice, and you speak for so many women at so many levels. Great job.
I just knew it from the first words I read.

I am mighty proud of your work.

Well done, good and faithful servant, ... even if a tortured one.
This is hilarious, and so much fun to read! Congratulations!!
THOROUGHLY entertaining and at the same time far too close to the mark - you've clearly been there and lived to tell about it! HUGE congratulations!!
This is hilarious (unless you've "been there, done that." Then it's only funny way later. I felt your pain, and I loved they way you described it. Good job! Congratulations!
I LOVE this! There's so much to enjoy here from beginning to end. --Just one of the (many) lines that really "tickled" me was, "The black tankini pushed a puddle of pale pudge from between the “tank” component and the “kini” component." LOL!

Very well done, and a huge congrats on a well-deserved placement!
I've so been THERE - I mean exactly there!!! Thanks for writing this awesome piece. Congratulations.
Very well-deserved first place (I say as I wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes!). This is wonderful writing because it is both funny and true. Congratulations!
Love the mc's voice, hilarious. Congratulations on your 1st place EC.
Great story. Congratulations on a well-deserved win.

Even without the kids and all that comes with them, swimsuit shopping anytime during, and after, middle age is a terror.
ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! I will be smiling all morning thanks to this piece. I'm cheering! Jumping with adrenaline! Almost crying in her victory! Did I mention that I also discovered the shortini this year? A blessing, to be sure, for myself and all on the beach with me ;)
Beautiful! I will never go swimsuit shopping again without thinking of your story, and I will laugh instead of cry.
Wow! Loved it! Definitely worth of first place.
Oh, the funny pictures this story put in my mind. I could see the MC in that dressing room and my heart went out to her. Wonderfully funny and creative piece. Congrats.