The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1876 times
Member Comments
Love the fact that this is based on a true story! And I'm glad that Mike's story had a happy ending! Your title made me laugh! good job!
You have great dialog here, excellent description, and a delightful story,as well, even though it's about rats.
The title drew me in and I wasn't disappointed. Loved the point you made about science vs. God--God does have all the answers! And it's icing on the cake when the story has a happy ending. Good job.
Great title, great characters, great dialogue, great hope! I also liked your point that science can be wrong, but God - never! And a true story as well. Thanks for sharing.
Well-written and a great ending. Does anyone here know that these lab rats make good pets? They don't even bite like those nasty little hamsters. lol, Patty
Lived the entry, especially since I find out it's based on a true story. Good dialog. Well done!
Oh, this is such a clever and cool story. I am relieved that the young man, Mike, and his wife were able to have children afterall. Grat job Dee!! Congrats on another piece well done! Hugs!Janice:0)
As usual, Dee, your story didn't disappoint me. I love the Brando line.

I enjoyed reading this well written piece. Love the fact that it's true, too. Thumbs up!
Dee, I read this earlier in the week and thought about the risks in some jobs like the one your characters do. Written in an entertaining way, good story. Flowed well.
This had me hooked from the get-go. What a great story, well told, and I'm a sucker for a happy ending! Even cooler since it is true. Nice job.
I wondered why this sounded so authentic and then I read the ending and found out why. God bless those that do these kind of experiments (sometimes at their own personal risks) to help improve our lives.
I could even hear Brando's voice as I read that line and then had to RE-hear it when I read that it was done badly! Great story with incredible detail.
Great title...I really enjoyed the humor in this!!
I was so impressed with your knowledge of lab rats and experiments, etc. It all seemed so authentic. When I saw it was a true story, I understood why it was so authentic. You really put me right there. Good job!
Interesting! I like the description of the fat rat.
Loved your title Dee, it was perfect. Just like your writng. Way to go girl. Loved it!
This is such a delightful read. You wrote it the year before I coined FW and now almost 14 years later, your words still made me smile and touched my heart!