The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1888 times
Member Comments
I want IdaMae as a neighbor. What a wise woman she is. Her advice is exactly what is needed. I love the twist your story took with the same advice applicable. Great job.
I really like your character because her neighbors know that she cares and they are the ones asking her for advice, she's not doling it out judgmentally.
Liked how the same advice applies in both situations (& it's so true!)
CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR EC!!!! I can not believe I have not already left a comment on this! It's so touching and real-to-life. I love IdaMae and hope to see her more. Perhaps she's the MC in your first novel. I wish she were my neighbor. I could use her help today! Blessings!
This story touched me deeply. It is so very true! I absolutely love how you brought in both ends of the spectrum. We hear advice like IdaMae gave often in relation to the young ones, but not so much toward the elders. Wow...this brought back memories. I'd never really thought of it in those terms before but I dealt with both ends at once. When my son was 4 & 5 I took care of my MIL here at our home in her final 10 months. Only by the grace of the Lord! Congrats on a well deserved EC!!!
Glad I didn't miss this one. It's so good. The message here is one I need to remember with my crazy 'life'. I love the character of IdaMae and especially how she is able to help all of them in her own special way and to understand what they're going through. This is sort of bittersweet for me. Happy to know that you have the chance to love them, sad because you only have them for a little while. Excellent writing. ***Congrats on your EC!***
Pam, congratulations on placing with this wonderful piece...well deserved. It reminds of of the latest Kenny Chesney hit, "Don't Blink" And, after reading it, it reminds me a bit of my grandmother. Congratulations, again - Loren
Just lovely, Pam, and touching. I want IdaMae next door too. Wonderful - and congratulations.
I can see why this wonderful entry made EC, GREAT job of hitting both spectrums of a full life. THANKS!
Congratulations on your EC. You've created a very endearing character. Hope we see her again.
Pam, I'm just so proud of you and your Masters-level writing. Somewhere I read that no life experience is ever wasted on a writer, because it is always material for the book! God bless you with enough "breaks" for writing time that your joy-filled heart will sail through the life-load of "material" you can't help collecting.

IdaMae is a terrific example of somebody making use of all that experience!
What a wonderful neighbor, and a delightful tale. Congratulations on your EC!
Hi Pam: Congratulations. This is exactly what I need to read. Thank you for sharing excellent writing. In the common and ordinary we can share our faith by how we live our lives, with those around us. Wonderful example and story.
This story touched me. I'm a stay at home mom withthree kids under age 5. Ida Mae's talking to me! She's talking to everyone. How beautiful!