The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Thank you! I really enjoyed reading this and the twists and unexpected turns. I'm very new here, and don't have any suggestions. Just "Thank you" for making it surprising and very real.
Very nice slice of life story. Very nice surprise, too. There's nothing sweeter than a baby. Well done.
Sweet and delicate and heartwrenching at the same time. Much to love here!
I can't imagine a more surprising surprise! But that makes those surprises all the sweeter. You touched my heart with this account of a crisis pregnancy. It's a reminder that that term can be applied to any woman who thinks she's not ready to be a mom yet, or again! Being on the board of the Crisis Pregnancy Center was a clever twist to this wonderful story!
Not just a surprise, but also a blessing. I enjoyed reading about your unhappy/happy surprise.
This is indeed a joyful surprise...and as a parent I know those little surprises just never stop surprising us.
Awwwwwww, I love baby stories. This one was great fun to read.
Such a sweet story. The twist at the beginning was a surprise. Well done.
Ooh, great job! Love the twist in the middle and the sweet surprise at the end. Very well written story! :)
You've conveyed almost EXACTLY what I felt when we found out we were preggo with our last one. I finally had all three of the older ones in school - full time!

But I wouldn't trade the intense ball of fire we thoroughly delight in.

Beautifully done!
Neat your surprise near the end and multiple surprise throughout. I like how you showed how welcome the little one was when he arrived. Very well written!!
Kristen... Great article and story about surprise... I love your writing.. so relateable, sweet, funny, real and brought to life with the perfect put together words.. You belong there girl.. Yougogirl!
A warm story... very soft for the hard world we live in.
What a great story, Kristen! I was really surprised myself with the whole board position instead of being a client.

I especially like the way you took your experience from bad to good--from shock to joy.
Love this Kristen! Also love the twist of the CPC! Excellent writing! Great story! There's 10 years difference between my oldest and youngest, too. He was totally planned, though, and has been a joy and delight. I was much more relaxed with him and now he's a tall, thin 14 year old that thinks he's smarter than his old mom!
Kristen - this is fantastic. I didn't see a "winning" sticker at the top. This needs to be published somewhere. It's so well written and draws the reader in to the story to see what's going to happen next.