The Official Writing Challenge
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Member Comments
Well-crafted, pristine workmanship. Just like the cradle. :)
Oh my, what beautiful craftsmanship -- on so many levels. I loved how you tied God's unique artistry and design, seen in every human creation, into the creating of the cradle. And I loved the little hint of more to come between Martha and Will at the end. A wonderful heart-warming piece that I hope to see in the winner's circle! Blessings, Cheri
Simply amazing. So smooth, so great, so touching, so polished. Its almost too well crafted to think its only about what it seems. The symbolism of the characters and props are too rich. This ministered to me on many levels. God bless.
Ye ... many, many levels - Bravo. What a story teller! Wow! I loved this.
I had to read it through twice to make sure I got it all. You pushed all my buttons - not just accepting the situation but embracing it. Utterly beautiful.
Very nice job.
Just gorgeous, beautiful, and meaningful on so many levels. Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
Well done. Very emotive, and an excellent take on 'craft'.
You beautifully illustrated one of my favorite passages and masterfully wove a story of love and grace.
This story spoke to me. So many times, well meaning people have a way of not celebrating babies that come into this world in the unpreferred way. Babies are a gift, every one of them, and all should be properly welcomed and celebrated. They didn't choose the way they came and deserve to be welcomed. Thanks for pointing this out in your beautiful story. I'm glad that this man could see this woman as she is, too, another child of God who deserves to be loved...without conditions. There's a lot of meat in this little story!
Loved the subtle ending....
Loved this "crafty" love story. Mr. Bonner is a true "prince charming." Good piece.
A story well-told. I loved it!
Ditto on all the above - this is a great story. That's one of my favourite verses as well. I love how Will is able to look past Martha's plainness and predicament, and bless her and her child.
Beautifully written, beautiful topic, makes you think and feel. Dave P
Agree with the above comments - a masterful workmanship on several levels.

We have a mutual friend in Paul, Sr.; another excellant writer.

God bless and keep writing.