The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1553 times
Member Comments
Really fun and easy to read up until the ending 2 paragraphs, when I suppose you felt it must have a spiritual punchline. I'm torn, actually. While it's nice to have some scripture to end on, for some reason the shift in gears in this piece was kind of jarring.

For someone who claims to be an airhead, you certainly are well-spoken (on the page, anyway!). I really enjoyed reading this. Locking the keys and the spares in the van at the same time is quite impressive. And the exploding Mother-in-Law bit was terrific as well. I hear ya - often I forget things like that as well.

Thanks for posting this piece. Well done, even if it's not squarely on topic.
Apart from a couple of little "goodies" like this one: "Except for that the spares" this was really good - and the conclusion was excellent. Good job.
Very cute... I personally liked the Scripture at the end tying it up with a spiritual analogy.
I liked this a lot--your style is witty and self-deprecating, very fun to read. I'm not so sure about the title, though--"brain damaged" could be seen as less than sensitive to someone with an actual disabled relative. I like your last two paragraphs--they tie it together nicely.
I like this! Pregnancy kills brain cells - that must be really true. The way you tied scripture in to the story was well done and a good transition from airhead to normal (whatever normal is!). :)
I laughed out loud with this piece! Absolutely delightful.
Cute -had me laughing along. I would have liked to have seen more about locking the keys in the van. I hardly ever did that, but while pregnant with our daughter, I locked my keys in the car -running, while I cleaned snow off. I had to call my hubby during one of the worst snow storms that season to come rescue me at work (I almost wrote about it lol). I think your theory about brain cells and pregnacy is right on target, too lol Nice lesson :)
You have a great sense of humor! I loved it!
I liked this piece a lot - including the ending, which wrapped things up nicely.
Oh I liked this - and the exploding mother-in-law...ROFL
Very enjoyable read! Fun! Thanks!
Brain Damaged? I thought all that stuff just came with the territory! Sort of like giving your mother-in-law a delicious home-made Chocolate Cake for her birhday. . .when she's diabetic. I really liked the way you tied the scripture in at the last. Very entertaining and enlightening!
ROFL! Thanks for the laugh. You write well.

I see the connection with the theme, lock, but for the purposes of the challenge, the 'lock' bit could be stronger, in my opinion.

Overall, though, this was great, and I liked the 'take home message' at the end of the article.

Well done.