The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 1592 times
Member Comments
Oooh, this is creepy and so real - and brilliantly written. You've gotten into Tammy's head and expressed her character in a very moving way. You've also made the reality of spiritual warfare very clear. Great job!
Oooo, Frank Peretti look out! This is really catchy. Nice work. Held my attention throughout. The personality of the girl is painted very nicely. Could be a winner!
This is a powerful story. I've known kids who did this. I've known kids who were released in much the same way Tammy was. Very true to life. Thanks for writing about a hard subject, and writing it very well.
Very well written! You captured my interest and held it throughout. Do I see a book about to emerge from this???
I loved the fact that what drew Tammy in was talking about Jesus' blood--she understood the power of blood already. What a masterful touch!
Fantastic job - very creative.
Very good writing! Sad but real life. I'm thankful she found hope in Jesus. Great job!
Absolutely amazing! I think I see a winner here!
Very well done. I work with kids who struggle with cutting themselves. Their pain is as real as their wounds. You have taken a serious topic and written it in a way that could reach kids like this. I hope you will consider doing some more writing along these lines. If not a book, then maybe a series of bible study illustrations on difficult topics (abortion, suicide, eating disorders, etc...) Good job.
This is amazing. The demonic portrayal works so well...! Very involving and effective. I found myself staring at the computer screen, trying to envision her cut on the stomach.....gave me chills. Also appreciated the fact that simple song lyrics and the NAME of Jesus held such power for change! Awesome. :-)
Janet - this was one of my personal favorites. Good work! Gripping, real and holds on to the reader from beginning to end. I enjoyed your work.
So real it almost broke my heart. There are so many kids in similar situations and so often parents & Christian friends don't take the time to understand the battle for their souls that is taking place within their minds. Excellent job - an eye opener. Congratulations!
Congratulations on a very well deserved win! Your charged message is riveting in this piece. I'm sure the Lord will use it to reach needy young souls. Blessings to you!
Chilling portrayal of evil and how Satan's minions are eager to control. It's truly a victory when we can rejoice over battles won. Great entry!
Fabulous job of capturing the pain and struggle of so many. Oh that we had Jesus's eyes to see people like her with compassion rather than judgment.
This article is definitely a must for all parents and young people to read. I highly recommend it for someone in the valley, undergoing spiritual warfare. Its so comforting to someone hearing the whispers of the enemy,to know what is going on "behind the scenes" when we call out Jesus name with our hearts, and He calls out ours. This was an amazing illustration, of what happens to the enemy, when Jesus is mentioned. My prayer is that all will remember this in the midst of an attack, to call out his name, because when we do the enemy has to go. This was truly a blessing, you will touch many oppressed hearts with this one...Lead me to cry out for the hurting even more, asking GOD to break our hearts over the things that break his heart, and how light triumphs over evil...thank you so much, for being a vessel of GOD with this article...GOD BLESS