The Official Writing Challenge
This article has been read 746 times
Member Comments
A very timely and all too plausible story.
You've written about what is on almost everyone's mind these days. Well written and alarming piece.

God bless~
This is so suspenseful. I hope you continue on with this piece to make it a larger story. I can hardly wait to turn the next page. Great writing.
God Bless
Hope this story remains fiction... Thanks for sharing your creative entry. Good job!

God bless~
I really enjoyed this. You had my full attention from the first sentence. I thought it was quite creative and used current events to make it even more suspenseful. I think the only reason it may not have scored higher would be the way the virus was spread, though a brilliant nefarious act, I'm not sure how realistic it would be, though I haven't done a lot of study about the virus needing a live host. I think the idea is brilliant and one of the best stories I've read in a while. I could definitely see you developing this into a novel and would encourage you to do so and would be willing to help in any way I can. Congratulations on ranking 3rd in level 3 and 18 overall. Happy Dance!